
Shipments and returns

Delivery and Timing

Packages are usually shipped within 72 hours after receiving your payment. The only shipping method used is tracked Colissimo.

In the case of multiple sales, products may be dispatched from different locations. As a result, you may receive your order in separate packages.

Shipping fees include packaging, handling, and postal charges. If a longer delay is necessary for your order, you will be informed by email.

During the Sugar factory holidays in August or December, deliveries will exceptionally take between 5 and 7 days.

Exchange and Return

For returns, you have a maximum of 14 days to return your purchase. Please keep the packaging to facilitate the return of your order. You will need to notify us by email at to learn about the return process.

For any exchange, refund, or credit, you must include the Sugar delivery note or a letter indicating your name and order number with your return.
New address: 3060 Route de la Légion, 13400 Aubagne
Tel: 09 54 19 28 58